'Elvis guided me'A Bandon man was a $54 1.50 winner in last Saturday's Mega Bucks Oregon Lottery drawing.Bernard DalMazzo, a local sculptor who has lived in the area for number of years, picked five out of six needed numbers on a ticket purchased at Ray's Sentry. Dal Mazzo said he believes his win was guided by an unseen force."As I was playing the Mega Bucks last Thursday, I noticed a reflection on the screen," DalMazzo said. "Al first I thought it was somebody standing behind me, but I turned and there was no one there. But I could still see an image of a white jacket with sequins. I thought it might be Liberace, but then I saw that the sideburns were darker. After that my hands were guided."DalMazzo added that he is a firm "Elvis is Alive" believer. When asked what he would do with his money, he said he was going to "buy Alcatraz and make it into a tourist attraction."All joking aside, DalMazzo said he was delighted with his win and thinks most folks in Bandon are "too serious." - Bernie DalMazzoFrom 'the world newspaper' 1989
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